An Occupational Therapist's Favorite Handwriting Apps


Are you looking for apps you can use on a tablet or iPad that will offer your child a break from traditional handwriting with paper and pencil? Our Pediatric Occupational Therapist has created a list of her favorite handwriting apps!

  1. Handwriting Heroes

  2. iTrace (handwriting for kids)

    • A helpful trick is that you can change the style of writing to teach your child. If you go into settings, you can change it to reflect Handwriting Without Tears© formation.

  3. Letter Quiz

  4. Little Writer – The Tracing App for Kids

  5. Ollie’s Handwriting and Phonics

For any other questions, please feel free to reach out via email at A timely response will be provided within 24 hours.

Happy Writing!
Alysha Stoner, OTR/L
Pediatric Occupational Therapist