Navigating Mental Health Services and Health Insurance


Do you struggle with mental health challenges or know someone who does? It can be very challenging to navigate the mental health care system when you are seeking support or resources to guide you or a loved one on your journey.

Here are a few suggestions for where to begin:

  • Utilize the online “find a provider” list that is associated with your specific type of insurance. This list can provide a breakdown of what type of providers are in your area!

  • If you continue to have difficulty, reach out to your health insurance by calling the benefits number on the back of your insurance card and ask for a behavioral case manager to be assigned to your case so that can help you out with the whole process.

  • If you are covered by Medicaid and are seeking a specialized therapy modality, it would be beneficial to obtain a recommendation/documentation from your current mental health therapist stating what treatment inventions/ modalities have been exhausted.

    • Examples of specialized therapy include: Music Therapy, Art therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Equine (Hippotherapy).

  • If you have private health insurance, be sure to confirm with your insurance company what your co-pay is and how many sessions they will cover.

  • Understand that you can appeal anything your insurance denies. Just follow the appeal process, which will be on the letter when they send the denial.

  • For Medicaid, in the event you have a provider already and need more sessions, such as 2x per week, allow the therapist to explore TBOS (Therapeutic Behavioral On-Site Services)

  • Ask your health insurance for a Behavioral Case Manager/Case Manager when you feel that you need some extra existence navigating your or your child’s behavioral needs.