Emotional Regulation: 10 minute Activities for Parents and Children


Emotional regulation is the ability to monitor feelings and adapting to how they are expressed. It is not something we are born knowing how to do and is a learned behavior. This is key to our mental health.

Our children are like sponges; absorbing emotions and mirroring behavioral responses they witness. A child’s caregiver is the primary role model for emotional regulation and as such must be mindful of their words, feelings and responses.

Here are 3 evidence based strategies for parents to prompt healthy emotional regulation in their child.

Mindfulness: Practice being completely aware of what’s happening in the present; inside and outside of your body. Having a great awareness of our own bodies and minds prompts kindness and empathy towards others.


  • Blowing Bubbles or Pinwheels: Grab one for you and your child. Try breathing at different speeds and describe how you feel doing each breath (long/deep breaths, short/quick breaths, normal breaths).

  • Apps:

    • Breathe, Think, Do Sesame

    • Calm

    • Super Stretch Yoga

    • Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness

    • Kids Yoga Deck

    • Stop, Breathe, and Think Kids

    • Breathing Bubbles

    • Smiling Mind

    • Positive Penguins

    • Calm Counter

Positive Affirmations and Encouragement: Establishes beliefs about your child that assume truths about their character and challenges negative self-talk. Utilizing affirmations/encouragement enhances a child’s self-respect and can have a dramatic on how they treat others.


  • How to use Positive Affirmations:

    • Write them down

    • Formulate affirmations in the first person: “I am…”

    • Write them in the present tense.

    • Phrase them in a positive vs a negative way

    • Repeat them regularly

    • Keep a gratitude journal where you write down your affirmations

    • Create affirmation cards that you randomly extract and repeat

Books: Reading not only enhances your child’s literacy skills but also provides any opportunity to teach and practice pro-social skills. Sharing a book also enhances the relationship between child and parent.

Book Recommendations:

Should you have any additional questions or need support in the area of mental health, please reach out to Amy Moncion at any time at amoncion@collaborativecorner.org.

Amy Moncion, MSW, LCSW
Panelist, Mental Health Qualified Supervisor